Tag Archives: DynamicConfiguration

Receiver SFTP Adapter Configuration – SAP Integration Suite CPI and PI/PO

Complete guide to SFTP receiver adapter Communication Channel configuration in SAP PI/PO and SAP Integration Suite (BTP-IS/CPI). Each configuration parameter’s functionality in SAP PI/PO is explained in detail—additionally, SFTP adapter configuration to connect with an On-Premise SFTP Server in SAP Integration Suite on BTP (BTP-IS/CI/CPI). In this article, We will look at the following steps […]

Dynamic File Name UDF Example – SAP PI/PO

There are several ways to create dynamic file names at the receiver adapter in SAP PI/PO. In this example, we will discuss how to create a dynamic file name at the receiver file channel using a User Defined Function (UDF).  Filename creation with UDF is a great way when the file name logic is too […]