Category Archives: File Adapter

Dynamic File Name in SAP PI PO & CPI

In SAP Integration Suite (CPI) and PI/PO there are several ways to create dynamic file names at the receiver channel. Depending on the requirement you can make use of either Adapter Specific Massage Attributes (ASMA), User Defined Function (UDF) or Variable Substitution to set the file name dynamically set the file name in the receiver […]

Variable Substitution Configuration Example

Lets look at how to configure Variable Substitutions at receiver File adapter. Variables or data elements from xml payload can be assigned to file name at PI/PO runtime using this method.   Receiver file channel has capabilities of defining the file directory and the file name of the output file. Variable substitution method is a […]

Adapter Specific Message Attributes SAP PI

ASMA or adapter specific message attributes are additional information about the message. Each adapter has set of ASMA and these are available in in message header. These attributes can be accessed in message mapping or routing under namespace “<Adapter Metadata Object Name of Adapter>” In this example file and SFTP ASMA are used in file to […]