Tag Archives: iDoc

B2B Integration Scenario (EDI to iDoc) Using B2B Cockpit of SAP PI/PO

In the article, I will show you how to develop, configure and test a plain EDI to iDoc integration scenario step by step using B2B Integration Cockpit (Add-on). Not only will we configure an example EDI file to iDoc interface, but also look at the advantages of using B2B Integration Cockpit; prerequisites for B2B integration; […]

iDoc Collection and Package Size – S4 HANA and PI/PO Configuration

Outbound iDocs can be processed as batches or packages in SAP. This technique is also known as packaging or bundling of iDocs. The packaging allows us to send iDocs as a collection or as one data packet to the target system. The iDoc packaging method is highly useful if you want to send multiple iDocs […]

What is SAP PI (PO) – Ultimate Guide

SAP Process Integration (PI) and the latest versions known as SAP Process Orchestration (PO) are the application integration middleware provided by SAP. SAP PI (PO) is the component (middleware) of SAP Netweaver group of products that facilitates system integration between SAP and other external systems. The very first version of SAP integration application was called […]

SAP iDoc Status Codes (Ultimate Guide)

In this article, we will learn the concept of iDoc status and its purpose. Then we will identify the categories of iDoc statuses and look at a full list of inbound and outbound iDoc status codes. Additionally, we will see the sequence of iDoc statuses for both inbound and outbound iDoc processing. Moreover, we will […]

POS Integration with SAP S4 HANA and CAR

Across the world, a lot of retail businesses centrally manage their organizational retail processors using SAP S4 HANA ERP systems. For such organizations, it is important to integrate Point of Sales (POS) information of the retail stores with SAP S4 HANA back-end system. In this article, we will look at the system landscape of a […]

Outbound IDoc Configuration with Output Determination in SAP – Techno-functional​ Guide

In this article, we will look at an end-to-end EDI transmission that utilizes outbound iDocs and Output Determination. Not only will we examine Outbound iDoc and Output Determination configuration steps in detail, but also discuss different outbound iDoc generating methods in SAP, as well as how to troubleshoot and test an outbound iDoc scenario. Moreover, […]

Important SAP ALE/iDoc Processing Programs

There is a vast number of transactions and standard programs that should be used to configure an ALE/iDoc integration scenario. In addition, there are multiple programs and transactions that are useful for day-to-day operations of ALE/EDI layer. For example process Inbound and Outbound iDocs by standard programs, archive old iDocs, change the status of iDocs, […]

iDoc Control Record Mapping in SAP PI/PO

Let’s look at how to set the iDoc Control Record in iDoc receiver scenario in SAP PI/PO single stack version. Due to evolution of SAP XI/PI/PO architecture, iDoc communications method as well as configurution of iDoc adapter and iDoc Control Records have changed. In this example we will look at how to configure or set […]

Generate iDocs Using Change Pointers in SAP

This post aims to illustrate how to create outbound iDocs for master data changes in SAP using Change Pointers mechanism. When master data such as Material Master, Vendor Master, Customer Master, etc. changes in SAP, we can capture the changes using Change Pointers mechanism. Change Pointers are useful when you want to communicate SAP master […]

How to Create and Configure Custom iDoc Type in SAP

Although we should always try to reuse iDoc Message Types and iDoc Types provided with standard SAP content, there could be scenarios where you need to create a completly new Message Type and iDoc type with your own custom processing logic. Let’s look at how to create and configure a completely new custom iDoc Type […]