Tag Archives: Function Module

Base64 Encoding and Decoding in SAP ABAP

In this blog post, we will discuss the Base64 algorithm, ABAP Function Modules which can be used to Encode and Decode Base64, ABAP program to Encode text to Base64, or Decode Base64 format to Text. There are several ABAP Functional Modules we can use when it comes to Encoding and Decoding Base64. Let’s first look […]

How to Download an iDoc to XML File (3 Different Techniques)

If you want to download iDocs as files, there are several standard SAP options. But, if you want to convert an iDoc in your SAP system as an XML, capabilities and limited. You may need to download an iDoc created in the system in XML format for multiple reasons. You may want to communicate iDoc […]

Find SAP Query Detail from Program Name

SAP queries automatically creates a ABAP program when they are saved and generated. These auto generated programs starts with AQ. If you come across a report transaction with a long program name similar to AQ====****====**** this could be a program generated by a SAP query. Name should be in the following format: First 2 letters of report […]

Function Group Contains Errors SAP ABAP

Error “function group contains errors” could be due to inconsistencies in the function group. If you come across this error when trying to execute a function module follow the below steps to rectify the issue. To fix the issue you simply have to repair the function group. Go to se37 and select Utilities and repair […]

Generating iDoc File Name SAP ABAP

When configuration outbound iDocs and if you are creating iDoc files though a file port. You should specify the file name format for these outbound files. You may have different outbound iDocs and you should be able to differentiate each type by the file name. For example Invoice iDocs can be prefixed as “810” and […]


If you need to execute MRP in SAP AFS for a single material for a plant you can use the BAPI “J_3AM_DISPOSITION”. This is the BAPI which is called by the standard SAP MRP transaction /AFS/MD02.   J_3AM_DISPOSITION You need to set the importing parameters as below. Parameter “I_BANER” (Creation Indicator for Purchase Requisitions) can […]

How to Integrate .net Application with SAP

Aim of this article is to show you how to connect your .NET front-end application with SAP. We will discuss the prerequisites for integration a .net application with SAP. In addition, we will go through step by step guide on how to implement the .net application which connects with SAP back-end. This is an synchronous […]

Important SAP APO Function Modules!

These are some of the SAP APO functional modules I have worked with. If you need any help with parameters please drop a line.   Order /SAPAPO/DM_ORDER_GET_ORDID Get the 22 char GUID of planned order BAPI_MOSRVAPS_CREATESNPORDER Create planned order. Table parameter “mapping_data” will return the created planed order number. BAPI_POSRVAPS_SAVEMULTI3 Create orders /SAPAPO/OM_ORDER_GET_DATA Get planned […]