Tag Archives: Overview

What is the Difference Between SAP PI, PO, CPI and Integration Suite?

Do you feel like there is a complete overhaul of the SAP middleware every 3 days? Ever wondered what the differences are between XI, PI,PO, CPI and Integration Suite? Well, you are not alone! There have been major changes to SAP middleware XI/PI/PO in its lifetime. Since the first introduction of SAP XI in 2002, […]

Dynamic File Name in SAP PI PO & CPI

In SAP Integration Suite (CPI) and PI/PO there are several ways to create dynamic file names at the receiver channel. Depending on the requirement you can make use of either Adapter Specific Massage Attributes (ASMA), User Defined Function (UDF) or Variable Substitution to set the file name dynamically set the file name in the receiver […]

Alert Configuration Example in PI/PO Single Stack

The article is a guide on Alert configuration in Process Integration (PI) single stack installation or Process Orchestration (PO) with a step-by-step configuration example. In this article we will discuss the features of the SAP PI/PO alert framework, then we will look into the architecture of Component-Based Message Alerting (CBMA), and finally the SAP PI/PO […]

SAP Barcode Printing Overview

Barcodes are information represented with series of lines of varying widths or distance between lines. Some barcodes also has additional human readable numeric form. In SAP you are able to print them using smartforms or SAPScripts. With SAP Web Application Server 6.40, SAP has introduced new barcode printing functionalities. you can also use the newer […]