Tag Archives: iFlow

Handling Attachments with Java Mapping – SAP PI/PO

In this article, we’ll look at how to handle attachments in incoming messages in PI/PO interfaces. We will go through use cases that involve attachments; Java class used for processing the attachments; and methods of the Java class that can be used to process attachments. Then, we will build a Java Mapping to read and […]

B2B Integration Scenario (EDI to iDoc) Using B2B Cockpit of SAP PI/PO

In the article, I will show you how to develop, configure and test a plain EDI to iDoc integration scenario step by step using B2B Integration Cockpit (Add-on). Not only will we configure an example EDI file to iDoc interface, but also look at the advantages of using B2B Integration Cockpit; prerequisites for B2B integration; […]

File to Inbound Proxy Scenario SAP PI/PO Single Stack

This article illustrates the complete file to inbound Proxy interface development in detail. In addition, we will look at how to generate Proxy class in SAP back-end and implement ABAP logic. File to Proxy interface scenario is illustrated using an SAP exchange rate creation asynchronous interface. Exchange rates included in the XML file are sent […]

Integrating VIES VAT Validation with SAP S4 HANA

In this article, we will look into VAT registration numbers for business entities in the European single market. Then we will learn about the APIs provided by the EU commission (VIES services) to facilitate VAT number validation of business partners, and how businesses can use this service when creating vendors, customers, and other business partners […]

Debug and Test Inbound ABAP Proxy in SAP HANA (How to Guide)

There are two methods to debug ABAP inbound proxies in SAP. Debugging using SPROXY test feature External Debugging Each method has it’s own advantages, disadvantages, limitations and use cases. But, using these two methods you can fully debug and test an inbound ABAP proxies. In this article we will discuss in detail how to perform […]

How to Create iFlow using Eclipse NWDS

With the launch of SAP Process Integration 7.31 SP2 and Process Orchestration 7.31 SP2, the Eclipse tool was introduced to build End to End (E2E) integration scenarios. At the time of publishing this post, the Eclipse tool is used with existing Swing tools. Although the new Eclipse iFlow tool makes the old Swing Integration Directory […]

How to Install NWDS for PI/PO

Let’s discuss how to install and set up NWDS version 7.5 for PI/PO development. Although this is a simple guide on how to set up NWDS, it will be helpful for PI/PO developers who only worked with PI/PO swing clients and for people who are new to PI/PO space. SAP Versions used in the illustration: […]