Important SAP APO Function Modules!

These are some of the SAP APO functional modules I have worked with. If you need any help with parameters please drop a line.



Get the 22 char GUID of planned order
Create planned order. Table parameter “mapping_data” will return the created planed order number.
Create orders
Get planned order details
Create fix pegging for purchase order and planed order


Get current logical system
Get resource header
Read Resource
Save resource set for update
Set resource for edit. Pass ‘EDITQUAN’ to “iv_object_type” to edit quantity.

APO Planning Object Related

Get grouping conditions for planning object
Get structure of CVC combination of planning object
Get CVC combinations
Get last day of the month
Get first day in the period
Get last day of the period

APO Quota Management

Modify quota arrangement
Delete Quota arrangement

APO Transport Lanes

Save transport lanes
Get transport lane detail


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11 thoughts on “Important SAP APO Function Modules!

  1. chaitanya.y says:

    Hey, How do we get to know if there are any CVC's existing in APO system using – /SAPAPO/TS_PLOB_LIST_GET function module . Have used /SAPAPO/RELEASE_SNP_FORECAST program as reference to make understand how to use , /SAPAPO/TS_PLOB_LIST_GET function module but didn't achieve what I wanted to. Please help me with this

  2. SAP ABAP/PI Consultant says:


    There are several function modules you have to use to get the CVC combinations of a planning object. Follow the below steps.

    Step 1
    *Get Grouping Conditions for planning object
    iv_plobid =
    et_tsplobpo = li_group_c
    plobid_invalid = 1
    OTHERS = 2.

    Step 2
    *Get internal table structure of CVC combinations of planning object
    iv_plobid =
    ev_viewm = lwa_viewm
    ev_view2 = lwa_view2
    invalid_input = 1
    internal_error = 2
    OTHERS = 3.

    Step 3
    *If you want to select CVC combination that relate to selection
    CLEAR lwa_selection.
    lwa_selection-iobjnm = eg: material, Customer .
    lwa_selection-sign = 'I'.
    lwa_selection-option = 'EQ'.
    lwa_selection-low = .
    APPEND lwa_selection TO li_selection.

    *append grouping condition fields, This was found in the step 1
    LOOP AT li_group_c INTO lwa_group_c.
    APPEND lwa_group_c-iobjnm TO li_group_by.

    *Get all CVC combinations for planning object and selection in "li_selection"
    iv_bas_plobid =
    it_selection = li_selection
    it_group_by = li_group_by
    et_plobs_in_view =
    invalid_selection = 1
    no_bas_plobid = 2
    inherited_error = 3
    coding_generation_failed = 4
    no_authorization = 5
    OTHERS = 6.

  3. chaitanya.y says:

    Requirement is to use /SAPAPO/MC62 transaction to create the CVC. If CVC exists, then I need to populate the error log with a message stating the CVC exists for combination of – Location Number, Product value, Sales Org, Customer Grp, Distribution channel. I am asked to use /SAPAPO/TS_PLOB_LIST_GET function module to check if CVC exists for the above mentioned combination. It will be very helpful if you can provide more insights for the above mentioned requirements. As I am not able to figure out how to use /SAPAPO/TS_PLOB_LIST_GET F.M to check if CVC exists.

  4. SAP ABAP/PI Consultant says:

    Check the coding in my previous comment. This is exactly how you can use this FM "SAPAPO/TS_PLOB_LIST_GET" to check if there are CVCs created. If there are CVC are created it will be returned from importing parameter "et_plobs_in_view"!

    In "Step 3" you can see how to use location, Product, Sales org etc as a selection.

  5. Retina Basu says:


    I am using the Function Module '/SAPAPO/CRES_OBJECT_UPDATE' to create new Downtime entries in APO, but it is not updating the data in to the system. I am passing the following parameters:

    SIMVERSID = '000'.
    DOWNID = (Created using FM 'GUID_CREATE').
    BEGDA = User input.
    BEGTI = User Input.
    ENDDA = User Input.
    ENDTI = User Input.
    TYPE = User Input.
    UPD = 'I'.

    I am locking the Resource to be updated using /SAPAPO/CRES_RES_LOCK. SY-SUBRC is always zero but the results are not updated. What am I doing wrong?

  6. Gary Morman says:

    I tried Function Module CALL FUNCTION '/SAPAPO/CRES_OBJECT_UPDATE' but it does not update table /SAPAPO/EDITQUAN. Is there a Function Module that will update table /SAPAPO/EDITQUAN.


  7. jai kumar says:

    Hi could you please help me FM
    i need the purchase order details for all the planned orders where raw material is ordered and fulfilled (specifically to say quantity how much is open and date when it will be delivered specifically to the panned order).

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