Register SAP ABAP System in SLD

Let’s look at how to register an ABAP back-end systems in SAP Netweaver System Landscape Directory (SLD). After your BASIS team registers the Technical System of the SAP ABAP system in SLD, you have to take a few steps to make it usable in Integration Scenarios.

SAP Versions used in the illustration:

  • SAP PO 7.5

Prerequisites to Register SAP ABAP System:

ABAP back-end system should be registered as a Technical System by BASIS team. Technical Systems are usually registered in naming convention format <System ID>CLNT<Client Number>.

Steps to Register SAP ABAP Back-End System in SLD:

  1. Register Product of the ABAP System.
  2. Register Software Component Version of the Back-end system.
  3. Assign Software Component created to the Technical System.
  4. Register Business System of ABAP Technical System.
  5. Import Business System to Integration Directory (ID).
  6. Import Software Component Version to Enterprise Resource Repository (ESR).

SAP ABAP System Registration Steps in Detail:

Step 1: Register Product of the SAP ABAP System.

There are different types of SAP Systems. They range from SAP Human Resources Management System (HRMS) to SAP Apparel and Footwear Solution (AFS) to SAP Master Data Management (MDM). Depending on the SAP product you are trying to install in SLD, choose a meaningful name for the Product in format <Company> <Product Name> or <Company> SAP <Product Name>.

Let’s assume that Technical System of the HRMS system is registered by BASIS team as HRMCLNT200.

<Company> is the name of the company which owns the SAP product. For example, if you are registering the SAP HRMS system of Nike, you can name the product as ‘NIKE HRMS’ or ‘NIKE SAP HRMS’ version 1.0 of

Go to http://<host>:<port>/dir and select System Landscape Directory (SLD).

System Landscape (SLD) option in Process Orchestration home
Go to Process Orchestration home and select SLD

Choose Products.

SLD products sub option
Select Products from SLD

Click ‘New’.

select 'New' under Products
Create new product and version

Select the Action type as ‘Create New product and Version’.

Select 'Action Type' as Create New product and version from Product creation Wizard
Create New Product and Version

Maintain values for  Product Name, Product Vendor and Product Version.

Maintain Product Detail such as Product Name, vendor and version
Maintain Product Detail

Assign Instance Name.

Assign a d value for the Instance name of the product
Assign value for Instance Name

Click “Next” and maintain the detail of the Software Component Version.


Step 2: Register Software Component Version of the SAP ABAP Back-End System.

A Product can have different Software Component Versions. Register the Software Component Version in format <Company>_SAP_<Product Name>. For example Software Component Version for Nike HRMS system can be created as ‘NIKE_SAP_HRMS’ version 1.0 of

Maintain Software Component Detail, SWCV name and version
Maintain Software Component Detail


Step 3: Assign the Software Component Created to Technical System.

Assign the Software Component Created in Step 2 to Technical System of the ABAP back-end system.

Let’s assign ‘NIKE_SAP_HRMS version 1.0 of’ to Technical System HRMCLNT200.

Go to Technical Systems in SLD.

Go to Technical Systems under SLD
Technical Systems under SLD

Select the Technical System (HRMCLNT200) of the ABAP back-end and go to ‘Installed Software’ tab.

Select Add new product under 'Installed Software' tab of the Technical System
Select “Add New Product”

Select the Software Component Version registered in Step 2. Maintain it as Installed.

Select Software Component Registered in Step 2
Select Software Component Registered in Step 2

Save the changes to Technical System.


Step 4: Register Business System of SAP ABAP Technical System.

SAP systems with tangible Technical Systems installed in the System Landscape should be set up as a Business Systems. Other third party systems which are outside of your System landscape should NOT be registered as Business Systems in the SLD. They should be created directly in Integration Directory as Parties and Business Components.

SAP Business Systems can be named as <System ID><Client Number>_<Stage>. <System ID> is the unique System Identification Number and <Stage> can be either D, Q or P. D for Development, Q for QA system and P for Production system.

Let’s register HRMS Business System of HRMS Technical System HRMCLNT200 as HRM200_D. Maintain the correct ‘Business System Group’ under Transport tab.

Select Business Systems under SLD
Business Systems under SLD

Select New Business System.

Select option Create New Business System
Create New Business System


Select System Type as 'AS ABAP' from Business System creation wizard
Select System Type as ‘AS ABAP’

Select Technical System Detail of the Back-end ABAP system. In this example, the name of the Technical System is HRMCLNT200. Therefore System will be ‘HRM’ and Client will be 200.

Select Technical System Detail like System and Client
Select Technical System detail


Assign the name of the Business System.

Assign a value for the name of the new Business System
Maintain the name of the Business System


Select Installed Products from the list of products. Since we assigned the Product and Software Component to the Technical System in Step 3, they will be inherited automatically to the Business System. Deselect any product you do not want to assign to the Business System.

Select Products and Software Component Versions that should be assigned to Business System
Select Products and Software Component Versions that should be assigned to Business System

Select the Integration Server of the Business System. Assign the Development Integration Server to Development Business System HRM200_D and Quality Integration Server to HRM200_Q. This is also related to Transport Groups. PI/PO determines the corresponding Business System names from a combination of Transport Groups and Integration Server assigned to the Business System when you transport Integration Directory objects from one landscape to another. For example when you transport from Development environment to quality environment, HRM200_D should be converted to HRM200_Q in quality server.

Select the Integration Server of the Business System from the drop down
Assign Integration Server Name and Role


Step 5: Import Business System to Integration Directory.

Go to Integration Directory and Import Business System Created in step 4.

Right Click of Business System and Select ‘Assign Business Systems’.

Import Business System to ID by right clicking on Business Systems and selecting Assign Business Systems
Right click and select Assign Business System

Select the Business System from drop down menu. If you cannot view the Business System created in Step 4 in the list, clear SLD cache. To do that, go to Environment in the main menu of Integration Directory and select ‘Clear SLD Date Cache’.


Activate Business System.

Select Business System created in SLD from the list to import to ID
Select Business System created in the previous step


Business System imported to ID
Business System imported to ID

Go to Adapter Apecific Identifiers of the Business System to confirm Logical System of the iDoc adapter is correctly configured.

Step 6: Import Software Component Version to Enterprise Resource Repository.

As a final step, let’s import the Software Component Version created in Step 2 to Enterprise Resource Repository (ESR).

Click create new and select

Click Create new object in ESR
Create new objects in ESR and select SWCV


Select Import Software Component Version from SLD and select Display
Import SWCV from SLD


Select Software Component version form the list to import to ESR
Select SWCV from the list


Click create to complete the import of SWCV from SLD
Complete Software Component Version Import

Assign the corresponding SAP System detail and specify the language. SAP system detail will be used when you import iDocs and RFCs from the back-end SAP system.

Assign SAP back-end system detail to Software Component version imported from SLD.
Assign SAP system detail to SWCV


SWCV Imported to ESR
SWCV imported to ESR


Hope you learned how to create Products, Software Component versions of a SAP back-end system and register them in SLD. You should be able to use created SWCVs and Business Systems to create integration scenarios. Please leave comment if you have any questions on Netweaver System Landscape Directory (SLD).

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20 thoughts on “Register SAP ABAP System in SLD

  1. Prasanna says:

    Thank you Isuru. This is comprehensive. I have question though:Please correct if my assuption is good.

    For all SAP systems in landscape – Create Software components versions( ESR) and Business System (ID)
    For all non_SAP system in Landscape : What artefacts should be created? what is mandatory /optional
    For exernal systems (not in Landscape ) : Again , what artefacts should be created ? Mantd/Optional?
    Thanks in advance for clarification

    • Isuru Fernando says:

      Hello Prasanna,

      Yes, all SAP systems in your organizational landscape should be registered in SLD. For other non-SAP systems in the landscape, I do not see an advantage from representing them in SLD as technical systems or business systems. I would create non-SAP systems and other third-party systems as parties or business components in the integration directory. But for all systems, I would create SWCVs in SLD.


  2. kondaiah says:

    hi thanks for the excellent blog i have learn’t so many things here. but i want know SAP BACK end procedure to create technical system and business system please kindly help on this query

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