Enhance SAP SPRO IMG Structure

In this example we will enhance or customize the SAP SPRO IMG structure. We will add a custom nodes to SAP IMG structure and attach a table maintenance view under one of the newly added custom node. This will be useful if you need to add configuration nodes of your custom developed applications to SPRO.

In the example custom maintenance view will be added to IMG as below.

All the nodes will be added under the main node “New Project”. Other nodes “Material Management” and “Finance” will be in the same level. Activity “Account Master” is under the node Finance. ‘Account Master’ will execute the custom table maintenance view.


Step 1: Edit SPRO IMG Structure using Transaction SIMGH.

add the IMG structure name, click edit.


Step 2: Add Custom Nodes to SAP IMG Structure.

Add the nodes “New Project”, “Material Management” and “Finance” using options shown below.

Change the levels of threnodies using the highlighted buttons.


Step 3: Add Activity Under SAP IMG Node ‘Finance’.

Add the activity “Account master” using below options.

As per the example, activity will be directed to a maintenance view. Set the parameters of the activity as shown below. Each activity should have a unique activity ID.

You can added these types of objects to the activity.

Save the changes.

If you have questions on any of the steps shown how to customize the SPRO IMG structure, please a leave a below.

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