Number Range Objects Example SAP PI/PO B2B

If you have a requirement to assign a unique sequence number to a target field you can do that using below method in PI 7.3 or higher single stack versions.

This type of unique sequence number requirement is common when you have B2B EDI integration scenarios with business partners. EDI segments ISA.13 (Interchange Control Number), ST.02 (Transaction Set Control Number) or IEA.02 (Interchange Control Number) are a few segments where unique sequence numbers are required.

B2B Number Range Objects allow us to assign sequence numbers from the Number Range Object to the target fields or segments.

Steps to Configure Number Range Objects in SAP PI/PO.

  • Create the Number Range Object in B2B home.

  • Call the number range in message mapping and map the value to the target field.

  • Configure the receiver adapter modules to call the number range.

Let us look at these three steps in detail.

Step 1: Create the Number Range Object (NRO) in B2B Home.

You should be able to access Netweaver B2B Integration Cockpit home using URL http://<host>:<port>/b2bic


Go to Number Range Object (NRO) Maintenance under B2B Home


Select NRO Maintenance in B2B home
Select NRO Maintenance in B2B home


Create New Number Range Object
Create New Number Range Object


Provide the essential parameters such as NRO name, minimum value, maximum value, and number range length.
Set Number Range Object (NRO) properties
Set Number Range Object (NRO) properties


Step 2: Call the Number Range Object in Message Mapping and Map the Values to Target Field.

The number range should be mapped to the target field as below. Use a Constant to assign with the value in the format ‘$B2B_UEBNR<Number Range Name>$B2B_END_UEBNR’.


Assume our number Range Object (NRO) name is OTC377_BSN02.


Constant value should be configured as “$B2B_UEBNROTC377_BSN02$B2B_END_UEBNR”.


Mapping Number Range Object to target element
Mapping Number Range Object to target element
Number Range Object Mapping format
Number Range Object Mapping format


Step 3: Configure the Receiver Adapter Modules to Execute the Number Range Object.

In the receiver communication channel include the module “TransmissionNumberModule” with module key “NRO”.
Configure Receiver Communication Channel with 'TransmissionNumberModule'
Configure Receiver Communication Channel with ‘TransmissionNumberModule’


If you have any question about Number Range Objects, please leave a comment below.

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18 thoughts on “Number Range Objects Example SAP PI/PO B2B

  1. saritha says:


    I want step by step procedure for B2B Scenario. I saw different types of scenario’s but i am not getting. Please provide the end to end scenario for B2B


    • Isuru Fernando says:

      Hi Reddy,

      I have provided the output in message log screen shots. You cannot view the queue of NRO objects in graphical mapping.


  2. Raghu says:

    Hi Fernando,
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
    What is the usage of Rotate Option in NRO Creation and in which cases we need to enable this Rotate Option.
    Any idea,Please share the details if you came across this option.

    Thanks & Regards

    • Isuru Fernando says:

      Hello Raghu,
      If this option is activated, the number range will restart from the minimum value again after the range is fully utilized. That is, range will reset to the mimium value when the maximum value is reached.
      Use cases depend on the functionality of the NRO. You can activate this option if resetting the NRO automatically is fine. Else, you need to manually maintain the ranges again.


  3. srija says:

    I used NRO same it was shown here but when i test it instead of getting value i’m getting what ever given in constant. Can you please tell where i’m going wrong in maintaining.

      • Michael says:

        What do you mean correctly configured? I added the module in the receiver modules as modulekey “NRO” and before the callSAPadapter. But still getting the constant instead of the number (which is issued, because I it is increased)

  4. Abdulahan says:

    We sometimes get an error: “transmission number module was not able to acquire lock”.
    What could be the problem?

  5. Neha says:


    for one NRO i am using default length as 6 and the max value as 999999 but still i am unable to get leading zeroes. Need your guidance!

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