How to Transport LSMW Objects?

Lets look how to transport LSMW Objects between clients.

LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench) is a tool that supports legacy system data migration to SAP systems. Legacy data can be imported, transformed and saved to SAP via iDocs, BAPIs, Batch Data Input (BDC) or as Direct Input.

This article discuss ways you can transport LSMW objects between systems. If you are looking for more detail on LSMW and how to develop data migration scenarios, check my step by step guide on BDC LSMW configuration.

You can transport LSMW in several ways.

  1. File Export and Import Method.

  2. Transport Using Transport Requests.


Step by Step Guide on How to Transport LSMW Objects using Each Method.


Method 1: File Export and Import.


Step 1: Select LSMW Project and Objects.


Go to transaction LSMW in your source client and select the project.
Select LSMW project, sub project and object you would like to transport


Select “Extras>Export Project” from main menu area.
Go to Extras > Export Project


Select the objects you intend to transport. You can select which recordings, sub-projects you want to transport by clicking on node area or by selecting “select/deselect” option.
LSMW Transport Overview Screen – Select Objects


Step 2: Export Selected LSMW Objects to Text File.

Select “Export” option.
LSMW Export Project to File


Save files to local location.
Export LSMW project and related objects to text files


Step 3: Import LSMW Files at Target Client.

Now execute transaction LSMW in your target client.
Select the exported file in the previous step using “Extras>Import Project” menu option.
Import LSMW text files from target system or client


Method 2: Transport LSMW Objects using Transport Requests.


Simply attach the project to transport request using menu area “Extras>Generate Transport Request”.
Go to Extras and select Generate Change Request


Then release the created transport requests and transport them accordance with company’s change management  rules and regulations.
If you require more information on any of the steps discussed here, please leave a comment.

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9 thoughts on “How to Transport LSMW Objects?

  1. Vaughan says:

    Hello Isuru,
    Compliments on such clear and concise information.
    It is of great benefit to those who need a bit of guidance.
    Really appreciated!!

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