SAP iDoc Status Codes (Ultimate Guide)

In this article, we will learn the concept of iDoc status and its purpose. Then we will identify the categories of iDoc statuses and look at a full list of inbound and outbound iDoc status codes. Additionally, we will see the sequence of iDoc statuses for both inbound and outbound iDoc processing.

Moreover, we will go through iDoc status monitoring tools of SAP such as AIF, BD87, and We02. Also, how to change an iDoc status manually. Finally, we will take a deep dive into a few important iDoc statuses such as status 51, status 53, status 64, status 1, status 30, etc.

The concept of iDoc Status

When an iDoc is being processed, it passes through a series of events or steps. The outcome of each processing step is denoted by a two-digit number. For example, the successful creation of an inbound iDoc is denoted by status 50, “Doc added”. If the incoming iDoc creates the application document successfully, iDoc goes into status 53, “Application document posted”.

Each of these milestones of an iDoc is logged into the iDoc status record. Hence, iDoc statuses allow the processing of the iDoc to be monitored. Additionally, iDoc status plays a key role when it comes to troubleshooting iDoc issues as it tells you if the processing event ended up in an error, was processed successfully, or was processed with errors.

The last status code of the iDoc is known as the final status; it is a part of the iDoc control record.

Sample inbound iDoc status flow
Sample outbound iDoc status flow

Notice the status of these iDocs. In this instance, Inbound iDoc has gone through 4 processing steps successfully. At the start, iDoc was created (status 50) and in the end iDoc successfully posted the application document (status 53).

The sample outbound iDoc has 5 statuses in its record: from iDoc creation (status 01) to iDoc being passed to the application Interface Framework (status 03).

iDoc Status Categories

Based on the iDoc status message type or severity, iDoc status codes can be broadly categorized as follows:

  • Success
  • Error
  • Ready to process
  • Warning

These categories tell you the overall status of the iDoc processing step: whether it was successful, ended up in an error, or was processed with warnings.

Additionally, there are certain status codes where iDoc is “ready to be processed” — these are intermediate steps before iDoc moves to the next processing step. For example, inbound iDocs in status 64 are ready to be processed by the application layer and post documents. Similarly, the iDoc status 03 of outbound iDocs is the status where iDoc is ready to be transferred to the external system.

Based on the message category of the last status code, the overall status of the iDoc is determined. If the final status of the iDoc is successful, the iDoc will be green; if the final status is an error, it will be red. Warning status or “ready to be processed” status will be marked in yellow.

Outbound iDoc Statuses

Outbound iDocs are iDocs going out of the system. The outbound iDoc statuses are between 01 and 49.

Here is a complete list of iDoc status codes with the description and their severity.

Status CodeStatus DescriptionSeverity (Status Type)
01IDoc createdSuccess
02Error passing data to portError
03Data passed to port OKSuccess
04Error within control information of EDI subsystemError
05Translation errorError
06Translation OKSuccess
07Error during syntax checkError
08Syntax check OKSuccess
09Error during interchange handlingError
10Interchange handling OKSuccess
11Error during dispatchError
12Dispatch OKSuccess
13Retransmission OKSuccess
14Interchange acknowledgment positiveSuccess
15Interchange acknowledgment negativeWarning
16Functional acknowledgment positiveSuccess
17Functional acknowledgment negativeWarning
18Triggering EDI subsystem OKSuccess
19Data passed to port for testSuccess
20Error triggering EDI subsystemError
21Error passing data for testError
22Dispatch OK, acknowledgment still dueSuccess
23Error during retransmissionError
24Control information of EDI subsystem OKSuccess
25Processing despite syntax error (outbound)Warning
26Error during syntax check of IDoc (outbound)Error
27Error in dispatch level (ALE service)Error
28IDoc sent to ALE distribution unit retroactivelySuccess
29Error in ALE serviceError
30IDoc ready for dispatch (ALE service)Success (Ready to be processed)
31Error – no further processingError
32IDoc was editedWarning
33Original of an IDoc which was editedWarning
34Error in control record of IDocError
35IDoc reloaded from archiveSuccess
36Electronic signature not performed (timeout)Error
37Error when adding IDocError
38IDoc archivedSuccess
39IDoc is in the target system (ALE service)Success
40Application document not created in target systemError
41Application document created in target systemSuccess
42IDoc was created by test transactionWarning/Information
List of outbound iDoc statuses

Inbound iDoc Statuses

Inbound iDocs are the iDocs that are coming into the system. The inbound iDoc statuses start from status 50.

iDoc Status CodeStatus DescriptionSeverity (Status Type)
50IDoc addedSuccess
51Application document not postedError
52Application document not fully postedWarning
53Application document postedSuccess
54Error during formal application checkError
55Formal application check OKSuccess
56IDoc with errors addedError
57Test IDoc: Error during application checkError
58IDoc copy from R/2 connectionSuccess
59Not used 
60Error during syntax check of IDoc (inbound)Error
61Processing despite syntax error (inbound)Warning
62IDoc passed to applicationSuccess
63Error passing IDoc to applicationError
64IDoc ready to be passed to applicationSuccess (Ready to be processed)
65Error in ALE serviceError
66IDoc is waiting for predecessor IDoc (serialization)Warning
67Not used 
68Error – no further processingError
69IDoc was editedWarning
70Original of an IDoc which was editedWarning
71IDoc reloaded from archiveSuccess
72Not used, only R/2 
73IDoc archivedSuccess
74IDoc was created by test transactionSuccess
75IDoc is in inbound queueSuccess
List of inbound iDoc statuses

Sequence of Inbound iDoc Status

An inbound iDoc, when created in the system, has status 50. Then, depending on the partner profile setup, it gets processed immediately or collected. If the iDocs are collected, they will retain status 64 (“ready to be processed”) until they are processed.

Next, the iDoc passes to the application layer for processing. Application processing of an IDoc happens through a process code, a special functional module dedicated to iDoc processing depending on the iDoc type.

The final stage of an inbound iDoc processed without errors is status 53. However, if there are errors the iDoc goes into status 51.

the flow of the inbound iDoc statuses. How iDoc moves from one status to another in the idoc processing pipeline, process code.
The sequence of inbound iDoc processing steps

Sequence of Outbound iDoc Status

Outbound iDocs created in the system successfully, go into status 01. If there are no syntax errors the iDoc goes into status 30 (“iDoc ready to dispatch”). However, if there are syntax errors, iDoc will end up in status 26.

Outbound iDoc in status 30 can be processed using ABAP program or AIF to be transferred the next stage, status 03. Status 03 is usually the final state of the iDoc for the sender system — it denotes the iDoc has passed to the port successfully.

the flow of the outbound iDoc statuses. How iDoc moves from one status to another in the idoc processing pipeline, process code.
The sequence of outbound iDoc processing steps

How to Monitor iDoc Statuses?

There are several ways to monitor the status of an iDoc in SAP S4 HANA. However, the monitoring method depends on the configuration of the SAP system and on the implemented iDoc monitoring capabilities.

For S4 HANA, it is recommended to use the SAP Application Integration Framework (AIF) for iDoc monitoring. But you can also use other standard tools, such as bd87, we02, etc. to view iDoc statuses.

Here are the transactions you can use to monitor iDocs in SAP S4 HANA:

  1. Standard iDoc monitoring tools: transactions bd87, we02, we05, etc.
  2. Application Integration Framework: transactions /n/aif/err, /n/aif/ifmon

Standard iDoc Monitoring

To view iDoc statuses, first go to transaction we02 or we05 and fill in the selection parameters to filter iDocs. Then, go to the status record section of the iDoc to view the history of iDoc statuses. The control record shows the final status of the iDoc.

iDoc current status and status history – Transaction we02
iDoc status overview – Transaction bd87

This method is not suitable if you have AIF functionalities, such as value mapping, fixed value mapping, and other transformations activated in AIF. In such a case, use aif/err or aif/ifmon transaction to monitor iDocs and check their statuses.

iDoc Monitoring using AIF

If you have implemented AIF for interface monitoring, you can use either SAP AIF Interface Monitor (transaction n/aif/ifmon) or SAP AIF Monitoring and Error Handling Tool (transaction /n/aif/err).

SAP AIF Interface Monitor – Transaction n/aif/ifmon

To get an overview of the iDoc processing status of all the interfaces in the SAP system, you can go to transaction /n/aif/ifmon. The /aif/ifmon displays the number of iDocs for each interface in one user-friendly dashboard. You can filter the display based on a date range and drill down to individual interfaces and iDocs directly from aif/ifmon.

iDoc status overview in /aif/ifmon

Additionally, AIF interface monitor has functionalities to mass-cancel messages, mass-reprocess messages and switch between different mail alert settings.

SAP AIF Monitoring and Error Handling Tool – Transaction /n/aif/err

/aif/err is a useful tool to check iDoc or any other interface messages statuses. Unlike ifmon, /aif/err has more options when it comes to filtering messages. For example, you can use message status, date range, interface-id, iDoc numbers, etc. for filtering.

You can also simulate iDoc processing functionality of AIF, such as value mapping, transformations, fixed value assignments, in /n/aif/err.

iDoc monitor and troubleshooting – Transaction /aif/err

Moreover, you can add AIF custom functions to iDoc statuses.

How to Change the iDoc Status Manually?

Usually, when an iDoc is edited (content is modified), to correct erroneous data the iDoc goes into an edited status. When the content of an inbound iDoc is edited, it goes into status 69 (“iDoc was edited”). Similarly, when an outbound iDoc is edited, it goes into either status 32 or 33.

You cannot further process iDocs in the status “iDoc was edited”. Hence, you need to bring the iDoc to a “Ready to be processed” status. That is, status 64 for inbound iDocs and status 30 for outbound iDocs.

Use the standard program RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS to change the statuses of edited iDocs.

To change the status of the iDoc, first, go to transaction se38; second, run the program RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS. Then, enter the iDoc numbers, current status, and news status. Lastly, execute the program.

Change iDoc status using RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS

How to Reprocess iDocs in Error Statuses?

If an iDoc is in error status, you can use an appropriate method to reprocess the iDoc once the issues are sorted out.

In SAP S4 HANA you can reprocess iDocs in error statuses using the following methods:

A Few Important iDoc Statuses

Here are some of the important iDoc statuses and the meaning behind them.

Status 53

When an inbound iDoc gets processed successfully in the application layer and posts the application document fully, the iDoc goes into status 53. This is usually the final status of the iDoc and no further processing is expected afterwards.

Status 51

When an inbound iDoc is not processed successfully in the application layer, the iDoc ends up in status 51. An iDoc can end up in status 51 due to multiple reasons: master data problems, wrong data values in the iDoc, or certain iDoc configuration issues.

iDocs in error status 51 and other error statuses can be reprocessed after the errors have been corrected using transactions bd87, /aif/err, or iDoc processing program RBDMANI2.

Status 64

When inbound iDocs come into the system they pass through status 64 and get transferred to application processing stage. If you have set the partner profile in transaction we20 as “collect iDoc”, the incoming iDocs will wait in yellow status 64 (“Ready to be processed”). You can use AIF, ABAP program, or bd87 to process iDocs in status 64.

Status 68

Status 68 stops the iDoc from being further processed by users or standard iDoc processing programs. However, you can use the program RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS to change the iDoc status from 68 to 64, then run program RBDAPP01 to repost the iDoc.

If you have an iDoc that goes into an error status, such as 51, and the iDoc cannot be corrected to post the application document, set the iDoc to status 68. This allows you to post the application document manually and ignore the iDoc from being further processed by iDoc processing batch jobs.

Status 12

This is the consequence status of an outbound iDoc that goes through status 03. Status 03 tells us that iDoc has been passed to iDoc port successfully, that is, the iDoc was assigned to the tRFC queue. However, status 12 tells us that the iDoc has been transferred out of the tRFC queue and sent to the receiver system successfully.

Status 56

This status tells us that the incoming iDoc does not comply with the iDoc configuration. It could be an issue with partner profile settings or other iDoc configurations.

Check the iDoc configuration and rebuild the iDoc before processing.

SAP Tables iDoc Statuses are Stored

iDoc statuses records are saved mainly in two tables: EDIDC and EDIDS.

The current status of the iDoc can be found in the field “STATUS” of table EDIDC. The complete history of statuses of the iDoc is stored in EDIDS.

To summarize, we discussed the purpose of iDoc statuses and iDoc status record. Then, we listed down all the iDoc status codes of inbound and outbound iDocs. Next, we followed the sequence of iDoc statuses when iDoc is being processed. We also looked at how to monitor iDocs in SAP and how to change iDoc statuses. Finally, we went through several important iDoc statuses and their meaning.

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